About Us

NRD BiProducts Ltd. is a family owned business that was established in 1988, however the Davis family has been in the biproducts business since 1955.

We provide Ontario food manufacturers with a solution for their food waste, by converting it into animal feed and energy products. After we pick up food waste, it will be handled in one of three ways:

  • Brought directly to Biodigesters to create electricity and fertilizer
  • Brewers grain, vegetable waste, dairy biproducts, and sawdust are brought directly to farms
  • Food waste such as cookies, candy, chocolate, flour and bread are processed into bakery meal at our feed mill, which is then sold to farms
Our Facilities

Our Facilities

We have 35,000 sq ft of feed buildings, which are used for manufacturing and storing bakery meal products. This allows us to handle many different products whether it's in bulk, totes, or packaged.

The Farm

The Farm

NRD Farms limited has two farms on 150 acres. We feed 5000 pigs and are involved in a small cow/calf operation. We manufacture all of our own feed in our onsite mill.

Certifications and Approvals

We have all the certifications and approvals needed to haul food waste material. These approvals include:

  • CFIA Approved - Food Waste, Dry, Mixed Registration (Bakery Meal -#990728)
  • Ministry of Environment Certification
  • Environmental Activity and Sector Registry Certification (R-004-2411991049)
  • Broker Certification #BROK14454

Mission Statement

Our goal is to supply great service to the food waste industry, and to provide a high quality feed source to farmers at a reasonable rate. We are actively pursuing a ZERO Waste Planet and will always do our best to divert food waste from landfills and recycle it back into feed and energy. We are always looking at new ways to improve our services and to save our customers money. Our objective is to be recognized as the Industry LEADER in food waste removal.